Certified Instructors

We are looking for French speaking educators (ECE) who are familiar with play based teaching methods. We are hiring for multiple shifts at different locations across GTA. Contact us today for more information about available positions.


Preschool Petit Bateau 

Job Opportunities

Les centres Petit Bateau offrent des programmes éducatifs en français pour les enfants de 2 à 5 ans depuis 1999. Dans un environnement sécuritaire et stimulant, à l'aide de divers activités et matériaux, l'enfant découvre les bases de l'apprentissage, tout en s'amusant. Chaque jour,  à bord du Petit Bateau des professionnels à la petite enfance  partagent une véritable passion commune - celle du bien-être de l'enfant et son développement harmonieux.

We offer an educational program for preschoolers in French in a caring and supportive environment. All of our locations are bordering on a park. The premises are new, bright and well equipped. Children learn French simultaneously, as they play and get involved in different activities. Our affectionate francophone teachers are all sharing the same passion - the child's well-being and his development.